Authentication Steps
1. In order to onboard your first Plan Sponsor, you will need to open the Finch Dashboard and navigate to the Connections page and create a new Finch Connect Link.
2. Next, send your Finch Connect link to your Plan Sponsor. This can be generated from the Finch Dashboard. We recommend you send it out as the first and preferred method for the Plan Sponsor to share data with you.
3. Use the Finch Dashboard Staged Connections to confirm that your Plan Sponsor opened Finch Connect and started the authentication process. You will be able to identify if they stopped at any step in the Finch Connect process so that you can reach out to answer any questions they have or help them complete the process. For an overview of staged connections, see Create & View Your Connections.
4. Use the Finch Dashboard to confirm that the Plan Sponsor completed the authentication by. If they complete the Finch Connect process you will see their company listed on the Live Connections tab and you will see the date and time that the data sync completes. For an overview of live connections, see Create & View Your Connections.
Video Walkthrough