To connect your ADP TotalSource account to this application you must set up a new admin user. Please follow the instructions below.
1. Please have a senior executive fill out and sign this electronic form using the information outlined below.
(Page 2)
- Client’s Legal Name: This is your company’s legal name
- Federal ID Number: This is your company’s Federal ID Number
- Signature: The signature of the person filling out this form
- Name: The name of the person filling out this form
- Title: Your business title
- Date: The date you are signing this form
(Page 3)
- Effective Date: The date you are signing this form
- Client Name: This is your company’s legal name
(Page 5: Company Information)
- Company Name: This is your company’s legal name
- Company Code(s): Please select the company codes you wish to grant access for
(Page 5: External Administrator Information)
- Business Email: Enter the email provided in Finch Connect
2. After the form has been signed by a senior executive, an email with the attached e-form will be sent to the business email shared above; they will be the second signer.
3. After the form has been signed by both parties, you will receive a copy by email. Please forward the completed form to your ADP representative and CC the email provided in Finch Connect.